Jul 8, 2009

My Lovely Kobe

Kobe is my first cat. He's now 10 years old, still very active, like to run and has very bad tempered.
I still remember the date I bought Kobe. He was small and thin, 3 months old. I thought it was a baby girl at that time. A bit disappointed when I knew it was a boy. Anyway, I liked him even though the others suggested me buying another kitten that seemed stronger & heathly. After purchased all the necessities for a kitten, Kobe went home with me.

As Kobe grows up, I discovered we are indeed similar in many ways.....we both love potato chips & french fries, bad tempered, impatient......
My wish is having Kobe to be with me as long as possible and hope he is also feel happy to stay with me!

Jul 2, 2009

Twillight Saga & The Host - Stephenie Meyer

After watching the movie " Twillight", I started to indulged in this series of books. I used a week to complete reading the books. I read Chinese version and now still waiting for the 4th & final one (Breaking Drawn). In the modern world, it is difficult to find one deeply in love with someone without hesitation, just one to one's love. Maybe the setup already established the impossible background - a family of vampire, so it is easy to accept a pure & simple love relationship. Accepting such setting, for me, it is so disappointed that Bella also found herself, also in loves with Jacob.
When waiting fro the 4th book, I started reading Stephenie Meyer's new books, "The Host". The topic is quite interesting, an alien invade human body in order to extend its own life. However, the human "spirit" still exists inside the body. The story is then about two spirits from enemy to become friends, from loving the same man to become in love with two different man, and alien & human gradually accept each others. It is a long story but an interesting story.

Jun 23, 2009


最近聽到一個so-called 心理測驗,我覺得相當有趣.......問題如下:


1) 橋
3) 鎖匙
4) 我





1) 橋 - 代表Career
2)兔子 - 代表伴侶
3) 鎖匙 - 代表財富
4) 我 - 代表自己

只要Test你的partner,and match with your own answer. Then, review the actual situation,可能你也會覺得有趣。告訴我的那個人自己嘅答案是兔仔給她鎖匙,而老公的答案就是把鎖匙給兔仔,而這正正反映真實情況呢!

Fun of My Life

After the first busy three months in Human Resources, I almost lost myself & my daily life la......Everyday, work, lunch, work, work and then discover that it's already 8pm, totally exhausted.

Recently, I try to get rid of the busy, moody emotion and try to put myself back to original rhythm of my daily life and have fun.........

1) Last Sat, I bought a lip balm and a lip scrub.....lovely packing.....

Lip scrub has few tastes and I selected Almond....

2) We bought a coffee machine last month.......

Heard from others that this model is a good starting point for "coffee beginner".

This is the coffee that piggy made....not bad, right?

3) The "taste from the Heaven" introduced by my lovely dear friend......A great yaourt, I love blueberry!

This is the chocolate desert, also tasty.......yummy!

Still some more funny things.....share later........

Mar 15, 2009

A wonderful Dinner

Yesterday, I met with Lisa for a cooking day.

We first decided the dishes a day before. The starter would be "Onion Soup", cooked by me, and then the main dishes would be "Roasted Prime Rib Eye" plus desert "Crème Burlee" cooked by Lisa.

We started to cook from 5pm till 7:30pm, food, champagne, red wine.........Everything was good and smooth except :

- I forget to buy the broth
- The newly purchase torch was not working

Though the torch ruined our desert, I have to say that Lisa did prepare a very tasty crème burlee.

Mar 10, 2009

Work like a fresh graduate........

I transferred and moved to HR for a week. Really work like a dog.......Everyday, i feel myself is totally exhausted. I started to recall the feeling of the first week in my working life......need to learn everything from the basic & beginning, always ask silly questions, need to re-confirm everything before reply e-mail to others, try to give out my best performance.....all make me feel exhausted.
When starting my second week in HR, I feel a bit better than last week. At least, I start to "grasp" the direction of work but my new boss is a very hard working and sometimes I think she just likes a workaholic. She works every Sat & Sun, though not a whole day but at least few hours. I am sometime scared by the number of e-mail received from her after the weekend......

Feb 11, 2009

Inspiration by "To Perform" VS "To Express"

已經開始慢慢take up works from HR,並且開始有壓力。The reason is not I worry I cannot take over the tasks or my ability but becasue that I feel my new boss has some expectations on me. I worry that I cannot show my capability as she expected. 好似好無用咁,對自己無信心。

今天翻看"超級星光大道",其由有評判說"表演"及"表達"的分別:就是"表演"你會集中自己的舞台表現,而"表達"是注意自己怎樣全達歌的情緒及內容。後者因為不是注意自己做到了沒有,反而沒有了刻意而以慢慢做到要的結果。我聽到這裡,就想自己是很在意表現,反而顯得縛手縛腳,想得太多,於是可能做得未夠好而累積了壓力。想到這裡我就想我其實沒有做過HR,沒有人會expect 我懂所有嘢,似乎是自己過份憂累........so 應該不再想這些but just do it!

Jan 30, 2009


最近沉迷電視節目,非常喜歡"超級星光大道",因此最近常常聽國語歌。比較下,愈來愈覺得香港歌手水準不及人家。而且台灣市場大,可容納不同類型的歌手。最近常聽的有曹格,連由香港唱到台灣的方大同也喜歡。看過Japan Live Music Station後,也找來中島手嘉的CD,又借了青山黛瑪,全都很出色呢!I start to think, too much good & beautiful things but too little time.......

Jan 29, 2009

A Good Start in 2009!


(1) 愛情生活很愉快..........(Oh, I can't be pride!)
(2) 工作上將會有新的轉變,which is I feel it is a positive change and good for me.
(3) My family gets used to my new BF very well.....

The most excited thing must be my change in career. 其實一畢業就投身庶務課,由庶務小妹到今天的二姐,我早已覺得悶,加上我現在的"好Boss",我早想離開。而我極想接觸Human Resources並且希望為自己工作作出更長遠的計劃,但可惜一直沒有機會,想不到現在不費吹灰之力就有這樣的機會了,我當然好好把握啦........哈哈.......終於我會於三月正式transfer過HR and 脫離女魔頭!

I do hope it is a good start,並希望其他的庶務姊妹早日得到解脫,離開女魔頭!

Jan 2, 2009

X'mas Dinner 2008

It is my first X'mas that I could freely enjoy with my Piggy. We prepared to cook by ourselves.

Starter 1 - Half Doz. of Oyster

(include 2 x Belon, 2 x Fine de Clare & 2 x Whire Pearl)

Starter 2 - Gooses Gras

Main Course - Duck Confit with Potatoes

It was really good and we both enjoyed the dinner...........yummy!

Drunk again.....

討厭呀! I was drunk on the New Year Eve. The wonderful night was spoiled.........

那晚跟BF一起於LKF想好好感受很多人一起渡過31st,點知未到12點就醉啦並睡......錯過了Countdown :(


Heiniken Walk-in Fridge

Heiniken Walk-in Fridge II