Jun 23, 2009


最近聽到一個so-called 心理測驗,我覺得相當有趣.......問題如下:


1) 橋
3) 鎖匙
4) 我





1) 橋 - 代表Career
2)兔子 - 代表伴侶
3) 鎖匙 - 代表財富
4) 我 - 代表自己

只要Test你的partner,and match with your own answer. Then, review the actual situation,可能你也會覺得有趣。告訴我的那個人自己嘅答案是兔仔給她鎖匙,而老公的答案就是把鎖匙給兔仔,而這正正反映真實情況呢!

Fun of My Life

After the first busy three months in Human Resources, I almost lost myself & my daily life la......Everyday, work, lunch, work, work and then discover that it's already 8pm, totally exhausted.

Recently, I try to get rid of the busy, moody emotion and try to put myself back to original rhythm of my daily life and have fun.........

1) Last Sat, I bought a lip balm and a lip scrub.....lovely packing.....

Lip scrub has few tastes and I selected Almond....

2) We bought a coffee machine last month.......

Heard from others that this model is a good starting point for "coffee beginner".

This is the coffee that piggy made....not bad, right?

3) The "taste from the Heaven" introduced by my lovely dear friend......A great yaourt, I love blueberry!

This is the chocolate desert, also tasty.......yummy!

Still some more funny things.....share later........

Heiniken Walk-in Fridge

Heiniken Walk-in Fridge II